- 警务专员处;Office of the Police Commissioner;
- 塞尔维亚难民专员Commissioner for Refugees in Serbia
- 联合国难民事务高级专员处称,今年到目前(为止),尽管面临着许多安全的威胁,还是有超过3.6万的阿富汗难民,从巴基斯坦和伊朗等国回到了阿富汗。Beyond Kabul, Afghanistan is anything but safe and even in the capital peacekeepers have been killed in attacks by those still loyal to a resurgent Taliban and their warlord allies.
- 难民专员办事处Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
- 专员assistant director
- 尊敬的先生:从驻新加坡大使馆商务专员处获悉,贵方对英国制造的电动剃须刀颇感兴趣。今随函附寄带插图的目录和价格表,请查收。Dear Sir, We learnt through our Commercial Attache, Embassy in Singapore, that you are interested in electric shavers made in Britain and enclose here our illustrated catalogue and price-list.
- 处男Virgin
- 难民refugee
- 联合国难民专员工会United Nations High Commission for Refugees
- 不足之处limitations
- 四处all over the place
- 私处private parts
- 联合国难民事务高级难民专员Office of the United Nations High Commissioner UNHCR
- 之处part; point
- 商务专员commercial attache
- 连接处joint
- 不便之处discomfort
- 难民专员办事处小学后教育援助;Post primary UNHCR educational assistance;
- 财务处financial department
- 高级专员high commissioner