- 难比登天As difficult to ascend to heaven
- 登mount
- 我难於记住人名。I have difficulties with names.
- 难如登天,If it's just as difficult as climbing to the sky
- 那音乐差不多都难於辨识。Little of the music was recognizable.
- 於at
- 难problem
- 傻龙登天Curse of the Pink Panther
- 由於due to
- 登入log in
- 那音乐差不多都难於辨识Little of the music was recognizable
- 登出logout
- 为难make things difficult for
- 一两天我就回来。I will be back in a day or two.
- 至於go so far as to
- 五天five days
- 难的hardy
- 等於equal to
- 登月set foot on the moon
- 天外beyond the highest heavens; far, ; far away