- 得permit
- 我难受得很。I feel miserable.
- 斯卜内中尉难受得要命。Lieutenant Spooney was cut to the heart.
- 院里众人的穷说,使他心里闹得慌,他愿意找个清静的地方独自坐着。The incessant talking got on his nerves and he longed for a quiet place where he could sit by himself.
- 这屋子里乱七八糟的声音叫人难受得无以复加。Anything was preferable to that dreadful din in the house.
- 慌nervous
- 难受feel unwell
- 变得became
- 艾玛接过了他递给她的东西,嗓子里却让失望的情绪堵得慌。Emma took his offering but despair was wedged in her throat.
- 难受的trying
- 那个患儿难受得连哭带喊。The sick child was wailing miserably.
- 累得慌be tired out; be dog-tired; be played out
- 得很very (much, good etc.)
- 得了be finished
- 只得have no alternative but to
- 做得好do well
- 得奖bring down the persimmon
- 习得acquisition
- 得手go smoothly
- 过得好live well