- "隐形冠军"的市场垄断及其对我国中小企业的启示Market Monopoly of the "Invisible Champion" and its Enlightenment to Small Business Enterprises in China
- 隐形stealthy
- 隐形的adelomorphic
- 他赢得世界最重量级拳击冠军。He won the world heavyweight title.
- 那位冠军痛击他的对手。The champion punished his opponent severely.
- 隐形飞机stealth aircraft
- 冠军跑在第四跑道上。The champion is running in lane 4.
- 经理人想让冠军与约翰比赛。The managers want to pit the champion against John.
- 他拍拍冠军的肩背,向他祝贺。He clapped the champion on the back and congratulated him.
- 隐形话筒,窃听器如放在人身体上或建筑物上的不让外人看到的麦克风A hidden microphone, as on a person's body or in a building.
- 我们选杰克参赛争冠军。We selected Jack to snoot off for the championship.
- 最了不起的是运用隐形飞机的方式。The most striking was the way that used stealth.
- 那个州出了两名得冠军的拳击手。That state has brought forth two champion boxers.
- 隐形拉链invisible zipper
- 她获得冠军,一举成名。She made her mark by winning a championship.
- 隐形游伴invisible playmate
- 我们队得了游泳冠军。Our team won the swimming championships.
- 隐形酸chelating acid
- 隐形钉hidden nails
- 挑战者用一记有力的上钩拳把卫冕冠军击倒在地The challenger leveled the champion with a mighty uppercut.