- 法格隆窑Faugeron kiln
- 福杰隆窑Faugeron kiln
- 窑kiln
- 隆胸enlarge the bosom
- 回转窑rotary kiln
- 隆鼻hump nose
- 隆美尔Rommel
- 官窑official ware
- 斯隆Sloan
- 砖是在窑中烧制的。Bricks are fired in a kiln.
- 穹隆arched roof
- 窑头kiln hood
- 特氟隆teflon
- 立窑vertical kiln
- 隧道窑tunnel kiln
- 我的生意生隆。My business is thriving.
- 宋代官窑瓷器Porcelain of the Guan Yao of the Song Dynasty
- 阿匹隆apiron
- 唐代越窑瓷器Porcelain of the Yue Yao of the Tang Dynasty
- 阿马夫隆amafolone