- 日本民间相传,除夕之夜敲钟108下,能除尽人间烦恼,迎来锦绣前程。It is a popular belief among the Japanese that if the temple bell is tolled 108 times at midnight on New Year's Eve, then all earthly worries can be done away with and a good future be ensured.
- 除夕之夜经常燃放烟花爆竹。Fireworks are often displayed on New Year's Eve.
- 你们如何度过除夕之夜?How do you spend your New Year's Eve?
- 除夕之夜的焰火很吸引人。On New Year's Eve the display of fireworks offers many attractions.
- 他没敲钟。He did not ring the bell.
- 除夕之夜,家住南昌的魏建辉在自己的博客里装上了大红灯笼、上了鞭炮。Instead, Wei, who lives in Nan Chang, spent New Year's Eve decorating his blog with red lanterns and firecrackers.
- 教堂敲钟报时。The church bell tolled the hour.
- 6点钟准时举行鸡尾酒会,随之在8点钟举行正式的晚宴。Cocktails will be served promptly at six to be followed by dinner at eight.
- 新年除夕之夜,所有街道灯火通明。On the eve of the New Year all the streets were lit up with electricity.
- 为什么敲钟?出了什么事?Why ring all these bells? What dog is a-hanging?
- 敲钟通知进膳Dinner was announced by the ringing of the bell.
- 除夕之夜,学生们互赠礼物。Students exchange presents on New Year's Eve.
- 寺里二敲钟。And then I heard the temple has striken the second-time bell.
- 不眠之夜in the night watches
- 你在舞台边缘敲钟You're hitting a bell at the edge of the stage
- 敲钟通知全校集合.Ring the bell for school assembly
- 除夕之夜,一家人吃了一顿丰盛的团圆饭。On New Year's Eve the whole family had a sumptuous feast of reunion.
- 许多敲钟人被闪电击毙。Lots of bell ringers were killed by lightning.
- 在一个狂风暴雨之夜,我团出其不意地攻占了那个要塞。On a wild night our regiment take the fort by surprise.
- 敲钟人鸣钟送走旧岁,接着又鸣钟迎来新年。The ringers rang out the old year before ringing in the new.