- 格林卡:降B大调大管奏鸣曲(钢琴伴奏版).Sonata in Bb for Bassoon and Piano.
- 降B调the key of B flat.
- 这是一首降B调的曲子。This is a song written in the key of B flat.
- 降to drop
- 肖邦《降B小调钢琴奏鸣曲》具有很强的标题性,从乐曲形式到内容以及乐曲创作的时代背景都可以窥见这一特点。Sonata B flat Minor Piano by Chopin has a conspicuous theme which can be spotted from the form and the contents of the tune to the period when the tune was created.
- 大调major
- 用降B小调演奏肖邦的谐谑曲Chopin's Scherzo in B flat minor
- 以降B 调演奏的门德尔松的五重奏Mendelssohn's Quintet in B flat
- 她的成绩是B+。She got a grade of B plus.
- 肖邦《降B小调钢琴奏鸣曲》之标题性The Theme of Sonata B flat Minor Piano by Chopin
- comb这个词里的"b"是不发音的。The "b" in "comb" is not sounded.
- D音,D调C大调音阶的第二个音或C小调音阶中的第四个音The second tone in the scale of C major or the fourth tone in the relative minor scale.
- 降序descending order
- 为B向A说情make an intercession to A for B
- 用b除adevide a by b
- 降噪denoise
- 把线段AD 延长到 Bto produce the line AD to B
- 降下lower
- b = AP-DS1 号。b = the AP-DS1 number.
- 降至reduce ... to ...