- 降A大调即兴曲Impromptu in A flat major
- 降A大调钢琴练习曲Etude for Piano in A flat major
- 波兰舞曲Polish dance music
- 降A调A flat
- 肖邦与波罗乃兹A大调Chopin and Polonaise A Major
- A大调回旋曲。Grand Rondeau in A Major D.
- A大调大提琴奏鸣曲Cello Sonata in A Major
- 舒伯特A大调奏鸣曲,Schubert Sonata in A major, D.
- 青春舞曲Dance of Youth
- 降到drop to
- 大调major
- 柏加马斯卡舞曲bergamasca
- 降薪cuts in salaries
- 十七日波兰政府逃亡国外。On the 17th the reactionary Polish government fled abroad.
- A大调单簧管协奏曲。Concerto for Clarinet in A major, K.
- 大降pelter
- 不仅A而且not merely A but also B
- 比降gradient
- 出生波兰的法国作曲家的浪漫钢琴家,他的音乐主要为钢琴曲,基于波兰传统舞曲。Polish-born French composer and pianist of the romantic era. His music,written chiefly for the piano,was based on traditional Polish dance themes.
- A股A-share