- 附权发行rights offering
- 进一步论述了B样条曲线曲面和BSC曲线曲面以及有理B样条曲线曲面和附权BSC曲线曲面的联系,与BSC曲线曲面有关的算法也有详细的描述。The fifth part is the expression of normal curves and surfaces in the form of BSC and BBC.
- 权证warrant
- 话语权right of speech
- 随附ATCH [attach]
- 附送throw into the bargain
- 三权分立separation of the executive, legislative and judicial powers
- 附属于be attached to
- 选择权option
- 附寄十美元支票,请查收。Enclosed please find a check for ten dollars.
- 知情权right to know
- 附赠throw in something
- 物权法property law
- 附子aconite
- 抵押权lien
- 权值weights
- 趋炎附势curry favour with the powerful
- 附后see follows
- 男权主义者masculinist