- 阿达玛评价式Hadamard's evaluation
- 阿达玛德变换光谱仪hadamard transform spectrometer
- 阿达玛的船员中谁有一个老虎的文身?Which member of Adama's crew is known to have a tiger tattoo?
- 阿达玛上将认为阿达尔总统是什么样的人?What did Admiral Adama consider President Adar to be?
- 如果阿达玛上将要求他的船员“把小鸟飞上天”,他实际上是想要他们干么?If Adm. Adama orders his crew to "get the birds in the air," what does he actually want them to do?
- 在哪个事件中,李·阿达玛和卡拉·瑟瑞斯重新回顾了他们在新卡不利卡的神秘经历?During which event do Lee Adama and Kara Thrace revisit a secret experience that they shared on New Caprica?
- 如果阿达玛上将需要接一位重要人物来卡拉狄加,他可能指派哪种类型的小型船舶执行任务?If Admiral Adama needs to ferry an important dignitary to the Galactica, which type of small ship will he probably assign to the job?
- 在“痛苦漩涡”中,卡拉·瑟瑞斯在她那次不幸的飞行任务前给了阿达玛上将什么礼物?What gift does Kara Thrace give to Admiral Adama before her calamitous flight in "Maelstrom"?
- “英雄”一集中,在“左轮手枪”来到卡拉狄加前,阿达玛和泰最后看到他是在哪里?Before his arrival on the Galactica in "Hero", where did Adama and Tigh last see Daniel "Bulldog" Novacek?
- 根据艾伦·泰的描述,她在塞昂突袭到阿达玛在舰队中找到她之间的那段时间她都怎么了?According to her, where was Ellen Tigh between the time of the Cylon attack and the time that William Adama discovered her in the fleet?