- 阴云预示有雨.The clouds promise rain.
- 阴云预示有雨。The clouds promise rain.
- 一种呈深灰色的低云层,预示有雨、雪或冻雨a low,gray,often dark cloud that precipitates rain,snow,or sleet
- 阴云预示着雨的来临。Clouds give promise of rain.
- 雨层云一种呈深灰色的低云层,预示有雨、雪或冻雨A low, gray, often dark cloud that precipitates rain, snow, or sleet.
- 是有isorhas
- 云预示有雨。The clouds threaten rain.
- 会有have
- 有道have attained the Way; be accomplished in the Way
- 下雨rainy
- 乌云预示有暴风雨。Black clouds forebode a storm.
- 很有可能stand a good chance
- 如有if any
- 备有stock
- 淋雨be caught in
- 就有have
- 诡异的天气预示有暴风雨来临。Threatening skies portend a storm.
- 有心have the inclination
- 下雨的rainy
- 保有tenure