- 波浪冲刷着阳光海岸。The waves bathed the sunny shores.
- 大连阳光海岸住宅小区铁路沿线声屏障设计之研讨Studies on Designing of Voice Barricade along the Railway in Sunshine Coast Garden Dalian
- 阳光sunshine
- 你也可以以背包客的方式去那儿游历,在阳光海岸、艾利海滩和凯恩斯驻足游玩而不去别的地方。You can do it the backpacker way, stopping at the Sunshine Coast, Airlie Beach and Cairns and no place in between.
- 专家日前表示,在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省阳光海岸海星大批死亡的原因可能是一种非本地的寄生虫所致。Hundreds of starfish have been found dead on a beach on British Columbia's Sunshine Coast, and a scientist says a nonnative parasite is likely to blame.
- 在阳光下in the sun
- 专家日前表示,在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省阳光海岸海星大批死亡的原因可能是一种非本地的寄生虫所致。Hundreds of starfish have been found dead on a beach on British Columbia's Sunshine Coast, and a scientist says a nonnative parasite is likely to blame.
- 太阳光sun's rays
- 海浪冲刷海岸。The sea rakes against the shore.
- 阳光明媚bright and sunny
- 公司已迁往西海岸。The company has transferred to the west coast.
- 海岸炮兵向海盗船开火。The shore batteries fired at the pirate boat.
- 阳光照射sunniness
- 海岸非任何人私有。There is no property in the seashore.
- 你是我的阳光You Are My Sunshine
- 他们从直升飞机上勘测了东海岸。They surveyed the east coast from a helicopter.
- 阳光灿烂sunny
- 海岸正在慢慢地被冲蚀。The coast is slowly eroding away.
- 阳光普照bright sunlight
- 在那些遥远的时代里,北欧海盗经常在欧洲海岸一带进行掠夺。In those far- off times Viking pirates used to prey on the coasts of Europe.