- 阅读to read
- 回执return receipt
- 阅读的reading
- 快速阅读speedread
- 阅读理解reading comprehension
- 回执单receipt
- 英语阅读English Reading
- 广泛的阅读使我受益匪浅。I have benefited a lot from extensive reading.
- 回执费fee for acknowledgement
- 课外阅读extracurricular reading
- 这本书孩子们应仔细阅读学习。It's a book that children should read deeply in.
- 一年级英语阅读Freshman English Reading
- 阅读能力reading ability
- 重新仔细阅读reperuse
- 我从头至尾阅读了那本书。I read the book without a skip.
- 通过阅读以增长知识read up
- 写作就像阅读一样重要。Writing is just as important as reading.
- 阅读障碍dyslexia
- 三年级英语阅读Junior English Reading
- 四年级英语阅读Senior English Reading