- 12月11日的比赛由于开赛18分钟时发生球员群体斗殴事件而闹剧般结束了。The match on December 11 ended in a farce 18 minutes early as tension between players mounted and a fight Broke out on the court.
- 闹剧laughy
- 全般whole; entire
- 天使般的angelical
- 奇迹般地contrary to nature
- 低俗的闹剧slapstick
- 闺房闹剧a bedroom farce
- 生意开始像滚雪球般扩大。The business started to snowball.
- 恶魔般的残忍infernal cruelty
- 使人笑破肚皮的闹剧a screaming farce
- 奇迹般miraculousness
- 他们在这场闹剧中扮演了可耻的角色。They played a shameful role in this farce.
- 汽车像箭般向飞机场疾驰。The car arrowed toward the airport.
- 他实际上是个传统的演员,被一场疯狂的闹剧给毁了。He was actually a traditional actor shipwrecked on the wilder shore of farce.
- 霓虹灯像灯塔般整夜照耀着。Neon lights beaconed all night long.
- 那个士兵如狮子般勇猛。The soldier was as brave as a lion.
- 投诉的信件潮涌般寄来。Letters of complaint flooded in.
- 梦幻般的音乐aerial music
- 雪片般的信件a blizzard of letters
- 这般粗鲁的语言!Such pert talk!