- 小股东控权人minority shareholder controller
- 大股东控权人majority shareholder
- 控to accuse
- 控件control
- 据此,符合减免条件的矿业权人,可以享受不同程度的探矿权、采矿权使用费减免优惠。It will stipulate that the eligible mine owners are entitled to different degrees of lower or free charges of using the exploration and mining rights.
- 权证warrant
- 受控controlled
- 物质循序渐进,自辐射手中夺得宇宙演化的掌控权。Matter steadily wrested control of the cosmos away from radiation.
- 地役权人[法] owner of dominant land
- 代位权人subrogee
- 从限权论到控权论--论宪法的理论基础From Restrictive Right to Dominating Right--On'the Theoretic Foundation of Constitution
- 抵押权人mortgagee
- 控权与保权的统一:现代宪政发展新趋势Coherence of the Power of Controlling and the Power of Protection: the Developing Tendency of the Constitutional Government in Modern Society
- 第六十四条出质人和质权人应当以书面形式订立质押合同。A pledgor and a pledgee shall conclude a pledge contract in writing.
- 若太过相信算命,反而失去了对人生的掌控权。If we believe too much in fortune-telling, we will lose control of our lives.
- 私有土地业权人private landowner
- 行政控权:我国新时期干部道德建设的法制基础The Administrative Controlling Power--the Legal Foundation of the Moral Construction of the Cadres in the New Era of China
- 权人的债权人creditor's creditor
- 从效率到控权:美国政府采购法制价值演进的内在理路From the Efficiency to Power Control: the Underlying Path of the Legal Value Evolvement of American Government Procurement
- 体育标志权人sport mark owner