- 问题越来越大了.The problem is beginning to assume massive proportions, ie become very great.
- 问题越来越大了。The problem is beginning to assume massive proportions,ie become very great.
- 自己有房子的人占人口比例越来越大了。An increasing percentage of the population own their own homes.
- 越来越大bulk (material)
- 在西方工业化的社会里,人们对播种,收获和作物栽培等问题越来越疏远了。In a Western industrialized society, man is more remote than ever from problems of seedtime and harvest, of sowing and of growing crops.
- 人民党在全国的影响越来越大了。The People's Party is gaining ground in the country.
- 在西方工业化的社会里,人们对播种,收获和作物栽培等问题越来越疏远了。In a Western industrialized society, man is more remote than ever from problems of seedtime and harvest, of sowing and of growing crops
- 雨下的越来越大了。It rains heavier and heavier.
- 但imf将焦点放在油价和全球失衡之上,表明这一问题越来越复杂。But the IMF's focus on oil prices and global imbalances shows that the issue has grown in complexity.
- 当天主教会想在科学问题上训斥伽利略时,他们错大了。The Catholic Church had made a bad mistake with Galileo when it tried to lay down the law on a question of science.
- 这问题越来越重要The question is assuming great dimensions.
- 杰夫:现在规模越来越大。Jeff: Now its scale is getting larger and larger.
- 身份窃取的问题越来越受到重视,可能会大幅推动指纹验证技术。The growing concerns about identity theft may give a boost to fingerprint-verification technology.
- 这张桌子真不错!唯一的问题是它放在我们的屋子里太大了些。It's a nice table!The only problem is (that)it's a bit too big for our room.
- 这运动势头越来越大。The movement was gaining momentum.
- 随着马克思主义哲学研究的深化,文本问题越来越受到国内学术界的重视。With increasing profundity of research in Marxist philosophy, the issue of textual analysis has attracted more and more attention in the academic circle in China.
- 第三世界日益觉醒和壮大,在国际事务中正发挥着越来越大的作用。The third world is increasingly awakening and growing in strength and playing an ever more significant role in international affairs.
- 经济过热,确实带来了一些问题,比如票子发得多了点,物价波动大了些。The overheated economy resulted in a number of problems. For instance, the issue of excess bank notes led to a major price fluctuation.
- 失业问题越来越难以控制。Unemployment is getting out of hand.
- 烟变得越来越大,越来越浓。The smoke grew heavier and thicker.