- 问题尚未出现.Problem still does not appear.
- 他答应我来,但尚未出现。He promised me to come, but hasn't turned up yet.
- 引起这些危机的社会问题尚未解决。The social problems underlying these crises remain unsolved.
- 遗憾的是,目前尚未出现实施制裁的迹象。Unfortunately, there is not much sign of such sanctions being imposed.
- 有关这个问题尚未定论。The last word has not yet been said on this subject.
- 没问题No problem.
- 安全问题safety issue
- 由于AdHoc网络复杂的动态特性,国内外尚未出现一种有效的网络性能测量方法。However, the dynamic properties of the Ad Hoc network are so complicated and troublesome that Ad Hoc network performance efficient measurement method is still dubious.
- 大问题great problem
- 没有问题all serene
- 其中2例患者(1例尚未出现临床症状,1例已经发病)于Lorenzo油治疗3个月后复查VLCFA水平及1HMRS波谱。1HMRS and blood VLCFA measurements were performed in the follow-up of 2 patients(one with clinical symptoms before treatment and one without)after three-month of Lorenzo oil therapy.
- 存在的问题open question
- 常见问题FAQ
- 在显微镜尚未普及应用和19世纪细胞生物学尚未出现之前,胚胎学只是一门以肉眼形态描述和比较形态学为基础的学科。"Before widespread use of the microscope and the advent of cellular Biology in the 19th century, embryology was Based on descriptive and comparative studies."
- 处理问题handling problem
- 如果可以的话,我想提一个问题。I'd like to ask a question if I may.
- 出现问题go wrong
- 高柔性的组合夹具已成为现代制造系统的必备辅助手段,但至今尚未出现十分成熟的商品化组合夹具计算机辅助设计软件。The high flexible fixture has been an imperatively accessorial means of modern manufacturing system, but there has not appeared very maturely commercial Computer-Aided Fixture Design software as yet.
- 社会问题social problem
- 重要问题an important issue