- 檀sandal wood
- 黑檀ebony wood
- 他叫哈里在生活中实践吠檀多,放弃不真实的念头,追随真实。But he did not wish any of his disciples to become a dry ascetic or a mere bookworm.
- 巴西黑檀Brazilian rose-wood
- 各种黑檀树木的深色木料。very dark wood of any of several blackwood trees.
- 东方乌檀bancal
- 檀根Hupeh rosewood root-bark
- 檀营Tan - ying
- 檀树Tanshu (sandalwood)
- 旃檀sandalwood
- 缅甸黑檀Burma black wood
- 斑纹黑檀Andaman marblewood
- 青檀wingceltis
- 娜檀rhatany
- 檀城mandala
- 檀醇santol
- 檀基santyl
- 檀烯santene
- 檀阀channel valve
- 檀君Dangun