- 械tools
- 警察缴了窃贼的械。The policeman disarmed the thief.
- 警察缴了犯罪分子们的械。The police disarmed the criminals.
- 警察缴了盗贼的械。The policeman disarmed the thief.
- 携械投诚come over from the enemy's side bringing weapons
- 医械medical equipment
- 械属Acer
- 械糖[医] maple sugar
- 糖械sugar maple
- 械手manipulator
- ?涣加谛械A55- year-old U. S. Army veteran who has trouble walking is offering to mow lawns for%2410 each to raise money so his dog can have a hip replacement operation.
- 卷械rolled sheet
- 校械时间Setup time
- 饷械短缺Short of ration and ammunitions
- 兵械ordnance; armament
- 栓皮械masertree
- 械糖浆sugar maple syrup
- 茶条械Acer ginnala Maxim
- 装械机loader
- 帆械学mechanics