- 长颈鹿以其长颈为特徵.The giraffe is characterized by its very long neck.
- 长颈鹿以其长颈为特征。The giraffe is characterized by its very long neck.
- 现代先进制造模式以分布式、柔性化、敏捷性为特徵,决定了新型测量系统的特点。An advanced manufacturing mode is characterized by distribution, flexibility and agility, which decide the features of the distributed measuring system (DMS).
- 北半球多山地区的大鹰,头和颈为金褐色large eagle of mountainous regions of the northern hemisphere having a golden-brown head and neck
- 做为特徵探测器的感应机。视觉的接受域。Perceptron as Feature Detector. Visual Receptive Fields.
- 有长的鳍状肢的大型须鲸,以其潜水时背部为拱形或有肉锋而闻名。large whalebone whale with long flippers noted for arching or humping its back as it dives.
- 其中,上斜坡以各种规模的滑动沈积为特色,下料坡以不同性质的碎屑流沈积为特徵。The upper slope was characterized by all kinds of sliding sediments and lower slope by all kinds of debris flow sediments.
- 有长的鳍状肢的大型须鲸,以其潜水时背部为拱形或有肉锋而闻名large whalebone whale with long flippers noted for arching or humping its back as it dives
- 另外,问题鸟的中间几根初级飞羽有弦月状白色班纹分隔其黑色和灰色部分,明显地环颈鸥不会有此特徵。It also shows white crescents separating the grey from the black on the mid-primaries, apparently not shown by Ring-billed.
- 摘要新疆阿舍勒火山岩型块状硫化物铜矿床中黝铜矿广泛产出,并以锌砷黝铜矿为特徵。Tetrahedrite is a common cupreous sulfide mineral in the Ashele volcanic massive sulfide deposit.
- 真藓科的模式属;一种以其大多数直且成簇状的配偶体和对称的短颈蒴果为特征的苔藓。type genus of the Bryaceae: mosses distinguished by mostly erect and tufted gametophytes and symmetrical short-necked capsules.
- 若“人民体系”处在“播种”的阶段,那政治领袖能做的就是为这颗种子提供“优质土壤”,让它能茁壮成长,开花结果。If the "People Sector" were still at the stage of being a seed to be planted,then the Government's role is to provide fertile soil on which the seed could grow and bear fruit.
- 文摘:基于缓和曲线平行线弧长公式及其性质,给出了缓和曲线平行线以其自身弧长为变量的参数方程。Abstract: Based on the arc length formulae of the parallel to the easement curve and its property, this paper gives the parameter equations of the parallel to the easement curve takiing the arc length itself as variable.
- 在研究该砾岩宏观和微观特徵的基础上,认为其形成机制为伸展机制下的构造拆离。After studying the macroscopic and microcosmic features, the authors discussed the genetic mechanism of the conglomerate.
- 该算法以核函数代替原始数据在特徵空间中映射值的内积,并且神经元权值向量的初始化和更新都可由其组合系数向量表示,从而获得了直观而简单的迭代公式。The inner product of the mapping value of the original data in feature space is replaced by a kernel function, and the weights of each neuron can be initialized and updated by initializing and updating the combinatorial coefficient vector of each weight in the algorithm of KSOM, so some intuitive and simple iteration formulas are obtained.
- 摘要持久性斑状微血管扩张症是皮肤肥大细胞增生症的一种少见的形式,以细致的微血管扩张所构成的红斑为特徵。Telangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans (TMEP) is a rare form of cutaneous mastocytosis characterized by erythematous macules consisting of fine telangiectasia with little tendency to urticate or cause constitutional symptoms.
- 血清PCT对VAP诊断有重要的临床价值,以其第3天1.2 ng/ml为界,在判断其预后的敏感性和特异性较高,优于IL-6I、L-8。The results suggested that serum PCT be important for the diagnosis of VAP. PCT concentration over 1.2 ng/ml as a threshold is more sensitive and specific to distinguishing different outcomes. And the sensitivity and specificity of PCT are better than that of IL-6,IL-8.
- 摘要先天性磷酸酶缺乏症为一少见之代谢性疾病,其主要特徵为血清及组识之硷性磷酸酶下降以及佝偻症。Hypophosphatasia is a rare inherited metabolic disease characterized by rickets with reduced plasma and tissue alkaline phosphatase activity.
- 摘要从比较学角度,通过对两种不同音乐流派的整合、比较和分析,建立起对印象主义音乐进行再认识的理论视角,以达到对其艺术风格及其创作特徵深入了解和把握的目的。Abstract: This paper starts with a comparative study of several schools of arts that correspond diachronically and synchronically to the French Impressionist school of music, and then presents a new perspective that will facilitate further study of this epoch-making school of music with respect to its artistic style and creativity.
- 病理特徵为:唾腺坏死、唾腺管与腺泡的鳞状化生、其鳞状细胞外观平淡无奇,但偶可见异常细胞核。Histology of the tumor revealed necrosis of salivary glands, squamous metaplasia of salivary ducts and acini with bland appearance of the squamous cells which showed occasional nuclear atypia.