- 粘滑菇属Hebeloma
- 长long
- 长柄的有容器的杓子。a ladle that has a cup with a long handle.
- 滑菇Pholiota nameko
- 长柄曲棍球球棒The stick used in lacrosse.
- 滑菇多糖nameko polysaccharide
- 用长柄的勺子舀出来或盛To lift out or serve with a long-handled spoon.
- 滑菇多糖的制备工艺Preparation method of Pholiota nameko polysaccharide
- 甲板上拴着一个木长柄杓。There was a wood ladle chained to the deck.
- 滑菇多糖制备的研究Research on Preparation of Nameko Polysaccharide
- 给大镰刀装长柄Hang a scythe to its handle.
- 滑菇优良品种筛选试验初报First Report on Screening Experiment of Improved Breeds of Pholiota nameko
- 长柄耙一根铁棍,一端弯成耙状,在搅炼时用于搅动并去除熔炉灰An iron bar with one end bent like a rake, used to stir and skim molten iron in puddling.
- 滑菇春秋两季出菇栽培技术Spring and autumn dual-season harvest cultivation technology of Pholiota nameko Ito ex Imai
- 她用长柄杓舀汤。She dipped out the soup with a ladle.
- 滑菇原生质体分离条件的研究Research of conditions on protoplast isolation of Pholiota nameko
- 用长柄勺子舀液体To ladle a liquid.
- 滑菇子实体组织分离母种比较试验Study on Mother Culture of Tissue Isolation from Different Parts of Fruit Bodies of Pholiota nameko
- 长柄圆刷Gargle with a round brush scallops
- 大兴安岭高寒地区滑菇代料栽培技术Study on cultivation techniques of Nameko in high altitude cold regions of Daxinganling Mountain