- 共识效应call of society
- 效应effect
- 共识consensus
- 达成共识reach a consensus
- 温室效应greenhouse effect
- 蝴蝶效应butterfly effect
- 品牌效应brand effect
- 她把错误归咎于缺乏经验。She charged off the mistake to inexperience.
- 那个剧本被错误地认为是培根的作品。That play was wrongly attributed to Bacon.
- 马太效应"the Matthew effect (A phenomenon in specific circles whereby one's accomplishments and reputation tend to snowball, and those with meager accomplishments have greater difficulty achieving accomplishments. )"
- 我对自己犯的错误后悔莫及。It was too late to repent my mistakes.
- 规模效应scale effect
- 错误百出的拼写vicious spelling
- 协同效应synergistic effect
- 一个更为严重的错误an even worse mistake
- 光电效应photoemission
- 掩盖他的错误to gloze over his faults
- 边际效应marginal utility
- 无意识犯的错误an unconscious error
- 名人效应celebrity effect