- 龙舌兰,任一种属于龙舌兰属众多美洲植物,尤指龙舌兰any of various American plants of the genus Agave,especially the century plant
- 银边翠Snow-On-The-Mountain
- 龙舌兰科一个旧大陆热带多年生草本属;有些分类认为它是百合科的一个属。Old World tropical herbaceous perennial of the agave family; in some classifications considered a genus of Liliaceae.
- 镶银边silver-edged
- 灰银边毛spectacled teal lateral tail covert
- 龙舌兰酒墨西哥产的一种用各种龙舌兰制成的含酒精的粘稠状发酵饮料A thick, fermented alcoholic beverage made in Mexico from various species of agave.
- 边margin
- 银silver
- 太阳月亮镶银边,老天马上要下雨。When a halo rings around the moon or sun, rain is approaching on the run.
- 龙舌兰maguey
- 页边margin
- 麦斯卡尔食品一种用某些龙舌兰的多肉质叶的基部和树干烹调而成的食品A food prepared by cooking the fleshy leaf base and trunk of certain agaves.
- 银边落地生根不同组织和器官的离体培养(简报)Tissue Cultuae in vitro of Kalanchoe blossfeldiana cv.variegata
- 龙舌兰酒pulque
- 长苞凹舌兰Coeloglossum viride(L.)Hartm.var.bracteatum(Willd.)Richt.
- 根据法律,特基拉酒必须包含51%的龙舌兰趁分,其余的成分是什么?By law, tequila must contain a minimum of 51%25 agave, what constitutes the remaining 49%25?
- 根据法律,特基拉酒必须包含51%龙舌兰趁分,其余的成分是什么?By law, tequila must contain a minimum of51%25 agave, what constitutes the remaining49%25?
- 龙舌兰科模式属;有些分类认为它是石蒜科植物的一个科的属。Type genus of the Agavaceae; in some classifications considered a genus of Amaryllidaceae.
- 龙舌兰科Agavaceae