- 银貂Aleutian mink
- 他的皮肤白得像是银貂的背部,Whose skin was white as the back of an ermine
- 银silver
- 兔rabbit
- 小兔leveret
- 貂marten
- 镀银silver plating
- 狡兔三窟a crafty person has more than one hideout
- 银联Unionpay
- 银的silvern
- 鼠兔pika
- 雪貂ferret
- 银饰silver ornament
- 龟兔赛跑the race between tortoise and rabbit
- 黄貂鱼stingray
- 安哥拉兔Angora rabbit
- 银监会Banking Supervision Commission
- 养貂场minkery
- 兔死狗烹kill the hounds for food once the hares are bagged
- 银丝filamentary silver