- 银行bank
- 银行流动资金充裕,利率低企,就业情况改善,以及资产价格反弹,均对需求产生刺激作用。A high level of bank liquidity, low interest rates, the improved employment situation and a rebound in asset prices all act to lift demand.
- 我们会在不干扰货币发行局的正常运作情况下,继续寻求可以增加银行流动资金的方法。Without interfering with the normal operation of the currency board,we will continue to look for whatever means and ways to improve the liquidity of our banking system.
- 商业银行commercial bank
- 银行存款bank deposit
- 工商银行Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC)
- 投资银行investment bank
- 交通银行Bank of Communications
- 建设银行Construction Bank
- 银行水单bank slip
- 中国农业银行Agricultural Bank of China
- 花旗银行National City Bank of New York
- 开户银行bank of deposit
- 银行卡bank card
- 农业银行agricultural bank
- 中央银行central bank
- 网上银行Web bank
- 货币银行学money and banking
- 中国建设银行China Construction Bank
- 汇丰银行Hong Kong and Shang Hai Banking Corporation