- 渣打银行则会委任负责操作港元及美元结算系统的香港银行同业结算有限公司作为其结算代理。It will in turn appoint Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited, the current operator of the Hong Kong dollar and US dollar clearing systems, as its clearing agent.
- 为使货币发行局制度有效运作,负责运作的机构必须同时也是管理电子化银行同业结算系统的机构。For the effective operation of currency board arrangements, the organisation responsible for running the system has to manage the electronic interbank clearing system as well.
- 金管局在接手管理银行同业结算系统后,也同时负起为暂时出现流动资金短缺情况的银行提供贷款的责任。By assuming responsibility for the interbank clearing system,the HKMA also became responsible for the provision of lending to any banks experiencing day-to-day shortages of liquidity.
- 香港银行同业结算有限公司Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited
- 港元信用卡批量结算服务由香港银行同业结算有限公司负责运作。The Hong Kong dollar credit card bulk settlement service is operated by Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited.
- 一九九八年五月,金管局把香港银行同业结算有限公司的交收系统与中央结算及交收系统连接,为股票交易提供货银两讫结算服务,以减低风险及提高结算效率。A link between Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited and the Central Clearing and Settlement System was set up in May 1998 to provide Delivery versus Payment facility for shares in order to reduce risk and improve settlement efficiency.
- 我们也不断邀请其他地区的债券结算系统与香港的系统联网,以促进债务工具投资的双向流动。We have a standing offer to other jurisdictions to link their debt clearing systems with ours, so as to facilitate a two-way flow of investment in debt instruments.
- 一个月银行同业拆息在一月二十五日升至6.5厘,但翌日迅速回落至5.88厘的水平。The Convertibility Undertaking was triggered and interest rates firmed up briefly. One-month HIBOR rose to 6.50 per cent on January 25 but quickly eased back to 5.88 per cent the next day.
- 美元结算系统将分三个阶段推出,预料年底前会全面运作。The system will be launched in three phases, with full implementation expected by the year-end.
- 滚动利率是跟据银行同业市场的利率因应滚动期以及CMC的价差而决定的滚动利率。Varying rollover rate dependent on the applicable rate in the Interbank markets according to the period of rollover and the CMC spread that is applied at CMC's discretion.
- 美元结算系统The US Dollar Clearing System
- 委员会认为在目前的情况下,无需增发外汇基金票据及债券来吸收银行同业流动资金。The Sub-Committee advised that there was no need in present circumstances to issue additional Exchange Fund paper to mop up interbank liquidity.
- 前日未成交的单再被传送到结算系统并保留在原有的交易日。An unmatched trade from a previous day that is resubmitted to the clearing system; trade is submitted 'as of' the original trade date.
- 银行同业inter-bank
- 向银行同业透支overdraft on banks
- 海外银行同业透支overdraft by banks abroad
- 银行自动结算系统BACS Banks Automated Clearing System
- 本港银行同业透支overdraft by local banks
- 银行同业往来dealings between banks
- 这是银行支付结算系统的创新。This is the innovation of banking payment and clearing system.