- 本港银行同业的存款Amount due to local banks
- 海外银行同业的存款Amount due to banks abroad
- 存放海外银行同业的款项Amount due from banks abroad
- 存放本港银行同业的款项Amount due from local banks
- 他是我们同业的耻辱。He is a blot on our profession.
- 一个月银行同业拆息在一月二十五日升至6.5厘,但翌日迅速回落至5.88厘的水平。The Convertibility Undertaking was triggered and interest rates firmed up briefly. One-month HIBOR rose to 6.50 per cent on January 25 but quickly eased back to 5.88 per cent the next day.
- 零售业同业的一般性损害Generic damage to retail competitor
- 这里就是,这是我在内陆银行的存款结余单。Here you are. This is the statement of balance for my account at Midland Bank.
- 我的家庭在银行拥有足够的存款以支付我在UH学习期间的各类支出。My family has adequate deposit in the bank to defray the expenditures during my UH study.
- 一个要考虑的因素就是同业的其他公司如何因应油价的高涨。One factor to consider would be what other companies in the industry are doing to respond to the rising price of oil.
- 近年来国外建筑模板、脚手架技术的发展及对中国同业的启示Recent Development of Foreign Construction Formwork %2526 Scaffold Technology and its Enlightenment towards the Chinese Counterpart
- 外国银行的存款Amounts in foreign bank accounts
- 银行被指责造成投资者难以衡量投入次级存款市场的存款市值。The bank blamed difficulties in valuing its holdings in the subprime market.
- 过去三年来保费收入的大幅成长几乎可以确定今年同业的绩效都会相当不错,事实证明也是如此The strong revenue gains of 1985-87 almost guaranteed the industry an excellent underwriting performance in 1987 and, indeed, it was a banner year.
- 银行付10%的存款利息The bank pays 10%25 interest on deposit
- 香港公司可以通过设立分公司、合资企业,或担任国际IT公司与内地同业的中间人,开拓内地市场。Hong Kong companies can tap into the mainland market either through setting up a branch office, joint venture or acting as mediator between international IT firms and the mainland counterparts.
- 现在他们在银行已经有近1000块钱的存款了。Now they had nearly1000 yuan saved in the bank.
- 滚动利率是跟据银行同业市场的利率因应滚动期以及CMC的价差而决定的滚动利率。Varying rollover rate dependent on the applicable rate in the Interbank markets according to the period of rollover and the CMC spread that is applied at CMC's discretion.
- 委员会认为在目前的情况下,无需增发外汇基金票据及债券来吸收银行同业流动资金。The Sub-Committee advised that there was no need in present circumstances to issue additional Exchange Fund paper to mop up interbank liquidity.
- 银行同业inter-bank