- 有效率和稳健的银行同业支付系统,是完善和具有竞争力的金融市场的基础。An efficient and robust interbank payment system provides the foundation for sound and competitive financial markets.
- 金管局与银行界紧密合作,务求令香港银行同业支付系统更趋健全。The HKMA has worked closely with the banking community to enhance the robustness of Hong Kong's interbank payment system.
- 据我了解,像香港这类面积细小的货币地区所采用的银行同业支付系统,应该不可以直接适用于幅员广大的内地。I am aware that the inter-bank payment system of a compact currency area as Hong Kong may not be directly applicable to the vast geographical area of the Mainland.
- 过去三年,该系统为银行同业支付安排提供畅顺和高效率的结算服务。Over the past three years,the system has provided smooth and efficient settlement for interbank payments.
- 经过金管局与银行业过去几年的努力,香港银行同业支付系统于一九九六年十二月成功转为即时支付结算系统。With the efforts of the HKMA and the banking industry in the past few years,Hong Kong's interbank payment system successfully changed to the new Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS) system in December 1996.
- (美国纽约)清算所同业支付系统Clearing House Interbank Payments System ( CHIPS UID: Clearing House Interbank Payments System Universal Identifier ) SWIFT
- 一个月银行同业拆息在一月二十五日升至6.5厘,但翌日迅速回落至5.88厘的水平。The Convertibility Undertaking was triggered and interest rates firmed up briefly. One-month HIBOR rose to 6.50 per cent on January 25 but quickly eased back to 5.88 per cent the next day.
- 滚动利率是跟据银行同业市场的利率因应滚动期以及CMC的价差而决定的滚动利率。Varying rollover rate dependent on the applicable rate in the Interbank markets according to the period of rollover and the CMC spread that is applied at CMC's discretion.
- 委员会认为在目前的情况下,无需增发外汇基金票据及债券来吸收银行同业流动资金。The Sub-Committee advised that there was no need in present circumstances to issue additional Exchange Fund paper to mop up interbank liquidity.
- EDI网上银行支付系统设计The Payment System Scheme of EDI Home Bank
- 银行同业inter-bank
- 银行现代支付系统与超跃模型Modern Payment System of Banks and Model over the value
- 向银行同业透支overdraft on banks
- 海外银行同业透支overdraft by banks abroad
- 基于多帐户的分区电子代理银行支付系统A multiaccount-based distributed electronic proxy bank payment system
- 本港银行同业透支overdraft by local banks
- 银行同业往来dealings between banks
- “网络银行安全支付系统”的设计与实现Design and Implementation for "Secure Payment System of Network Banks
- 银行同业拆息interbank interest rate