- 本港的银行同业拆息市场发展完善。The interbank money market is well established.
- 一九九九年十二月底,香港银行同业拆息市场占银行体系港元负债总额的13%。At the end of December,the Hong Kong interbank money market accounted for 13 per cent of the gross Hong Kong dollar liabilities of the banking sector.
- 银行同业拆息市场以短期借贷为主,大部分港元和外币借贷的期限均由隔夜至12个月不等。The interbank money market is mainly for short-term money,with maturities ranging mostly from overnight to 12 months,for both Hong Kong dollars and foreign currencies.
- 银行同业短期拆息市场[经] call-money market
- 一个月银行同业拆息在一月二十五日升至6.5厘,但翌日迅速回落至5.88厘的水平。The Convertibility Undertaking was triggered and interest rates firmed up briefly. One-month HIBOR rose to 6.50 per cent on January 25 but quickly eased back to 5.88 per cent the next day.
- 拆息市场[经] call-money market
- 一个月银行同业拆息也在十一月三十日升至6.38厘,并在十二月二十九日再升至6.75厘。One-month HIBOR also rose to 6.38 per cent on November 30 and further to 6.75 per cent on December 29.
- 渣打银行The Chartered Bank
- 中信银行China Citic Bank
- 他们向市场推出一种新产品。They put a new product on the market.
- (在银行)开账户have an account
- 同业拆息interbank lending rate
- 港元同业拆息Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate
- 委员会认为在目前的情况下,无需增发外汇基金票据及债券来吸收银行同业流动资金。The Sub-Committee advised that there was no need in present circumstances to issue additional Exchange Fund paper to mop up interbank liquidity.
- 短期同业拆放市场call market
- 鉴于目前无论是同业拆息或储蓄存款利率均跌至接近零,因此这个忧虑仍然存在。This concern is still valid, given that interest rates in the interbank market as well as customer savings deposit rates have fallen to near zero.
- 浅析银行卡市场定位Discussion on the Market Position of Bank Card
- 向银行同业透支overdraft on banks
- 同业拆息贴近美元水平。长期债券收益率方面,外汇基金票据及债券与同期美国国库券的收益差距明显收窄。At the longer end of the yield curve, there was a noticeable compression in the spread between the yields of the Exchange Fund paper and US Treasuries of corresponding maturities.
- 海外银行同业透支overdraft by banks abroad