- 银白silvery white; clour of silver
- 槭maple
- 银白鱼肚fricassee fish tripe with mung bean sprouts
- 天气在转暖,槭树的树液在上升。The weather was warming up and the sap was rising in the maples.
- 银白的[机] argent
- 开孔使槭树汁流出to tap a sugar maple
- 金银白菌"Gold and silver" mushrooms
- 银白的; 灰白的Silvery white; hoary.
- 槭树maple
- 银白伊蚊[医] Aedes argenteus
- 我们花园里有几棵槭树。We have several maples in our garden.
- 银白珍珠Australian pearl
- 把槭树汁煮成糖浆Boil down the maple sap to a thick syrup
- 银白的;灰白的Silvery white; hoary.
- 宾州槭striped maple
- 含银白蛋白protargol
- 波纹槭木curly maple
- 银白落尾木queensland grass-cloth plant
- 欧亚槭sycamore
- 银白起泡酒silver fizz