- 金纳米探针Gold nanoprobe
- 铂金platinum
- 免疫检测用纳米胶体金的制备及粒径控制Preparation of Colloidal Gold Used in Immunoassay and Control of Particle Size
- 铜和金纳米线阵列上SCN-的表面增强拉曼光谱Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopic study of SCN - adsorbed at the Copper and Gold Nanowire Arrays
- 纳米胶体Nanocolloidal particle
- 金纳米微粒作探针共振瑞利散射光谱法测定卡那霉素Resonance Rayleigh Scattering Spectral Method for the Determination of Kanamycin with Gold Nanoparticle as Probe
- 铂platinum (Pt)
- 纳米胶体粒Colloidal nanoparticle
- 铂金页platinogold
- 胶体colloid
- 纳米nanometer
- 银、金纳米材料的光化学、化学和电化学制备与表征Preparation and Characterization of Ag and Au Nanostructured Materials by Photochemical, Chemical and Electrochemical Methods
- 纳米胶体硅silica sols
- 年金rente
- 铂金锥platinum cone
- 沉默是金Silence is gold
- 纳米胶体射流加工nanoparticle colloid jet machining
- 金曲great hit
- 纳米材料nanophase materials
- 拜金mammonish