- 铁岭市生态足迹时间序列分析Time Series Analysis of Ecological Footprint in Tieling City
- 铁岭市城市水土流失治理模式Modes of Soil and Water Loss Control in Tieling City
- 铁岭市城市水土流失治理与成效Regulation of soil and water loss and result in Tieling citg
- 铁岭市农业产业发展途径的思考Miss which should be avoid among building new village
- 铁岭市大田作物耕层土壤养分状况分析Situation of Soil Plow Layer Nutrients of Field Crops in Tieling
- 铁岭市城市暴雨强度公式推求办法的探讨Approach for the Formula Calculating Heavy Rain Intensity in Tieling City
- 铁岭市西部风沙区生态环境现状及防治对策Ecological Environment Situation of Western Storm Sand Area in TieLing City
- 铁岭市畜禽养殖业环境污染状况及防治对策Environmental Pollution Condition of Domestic Animals and Fowls Breeding in Tie Ling City and Its Control Countermeasures
- 对鞍山市与铁岭市老年体育现状的对比分析The Comparision and Analysis on the Present Condition of Old People Taking Part in Physical Exercise in Anshan City and Tieling City
- 铁岭市城市生态环境质量现状与发展趋势分析The Actuality of Tieling Municipal Entironment Quality and The Expounding of Entironment Changing Uptrend
- 铁岭市东部山区小坡面土壤流失量的估算方法Method of estimating loss of soil from slope plots in mountainous area to the east of Tieling city
- 铁岭市取暖设备厂诉周成福、铁岭市电信局侵害名称权纠纷案Case of Dispute on the Infringement of Right of Name: Tieling Heating Installation Factory V.Zhou Chengfu, Tieling Telecommunications Bureau
- 铁岭市域人口与城镇化发展研究--农业地区人口城镇化发展途径分析Research on the population and the urbanization development of the region of Tieling Municipality---Analyzing the effective way of developing population urbanization in the agricultural area
- 事故发生在4月18日,铁岭市清河特钢有限公司,一个用来运送钢水的钢包,突然从连接钢包和熔炉的铁轨上滑落。The accident occurred on April 18 in a workshop in Qinghe Special Steel Corporation, in Tieling City, when a steel ladle -- used for pouring molten steel -- suddenly sheared off from the iron rail linking it to the blast furnace.
- 例如,地处辽宁省北部山区、农业人口占80%的铁岭市,1987年到1991年,70多万对育龄夫妇中有95%接受了教育。For instance,in Tieling City located in the northern mountain areas of Liaoning Province,whose agricultural population makes up 80 percent of the total,more than 700,000,or 95 percent,of the couples of child-bearing age received education from 1987 to 1991.
- 摘要结合铁岭市生态环境质量和农业发展现状,采用聚类分析和灰色诊断的方法,对铁岭市绿色食品生产进行了分区布局,以便为绿色食品生产的产业化和区域化提供参考。The green food production in Tieling was divided into four zones by utilizing cluster analysis method and gray correlation analysis on the base of the ecological environmental quality and current situation of agriculture.