- 钻孔bore a hole
- 锯to mend (china) with staples
- 锯片saw bit
- 钻孔机trepan
- 带锯band saw
- 他钻孔开了一桶苹果酒。He broached a barrel of cider.
- 锯材sawn goods
- 凿大钻孔broach out a drilled hole
- 线锯fretsaw
- 钻孔的噪音让人受不了。The noise of the drilling is intolerable.
- 锯切saw cutting
- 钻孔桩drilled pile
- 这些木材被拖到锯木厂。The timber was snaked to sawmills.
- 钻孔入墙to bore a hole into the wall
- 他把桌角锯圆。He rounded the corners of the table.
- 在桶上钻孔to vent cask
- 锯弓bow
- 他凿大钻孔。He broached out the drilled hole.
- 锯开saw
- 钻孔汲取啤酒to broach beer from a keg