- 钩沉To explore esoteric principles or compile lost materials.
- 清代俗曲钩沉Study on the Secular Songs of the Qing Dynasty
- 马尾船政建筑钩沉A Review of Planning and Architecture of Mawei Dockyard
- 抉pick
- 黄帝年代之历法钩沉Determination of the Yellow Emperor's Chronology by Astronomical Method
- 微软雅黑Microsoft Accor black, one of the microsoft fonts.
- 沉profound
- 微软公司Microsoft corporation
- 钩hook
- 微克gamma
- 微晶microlite
- 爬罗剔抉collect and select
- 时人评元好问之钩沉Gleaning of Contemporary Critiques on Yuan Haowen
- 微星pint-size star
- 抉摘choose
- 微动jiggle
- 微孔millipore
- 叶赫满族祭祖礼钩沉The Ceremony for Offering a Sacrifice to Ancestors of Yehe Manzu
- 微球microballoon sphere
- 倒钩barb