- 它的嘴被钓钩挂住了,抽搐地动着,急促地连连咬着钓钩,还用它那长而扁的身体、尾巴和脑袋拍打着船底,直到他用木棍打了一下它的金光闪亮的脑袋,它才抖了一下,不动了。Its jaws were working convulsively in quick bites against the hook and it pounded the bottom of the skiff with its long flat body, its tail and its head until he clubbed it across the shining golden head until it shivered and was still.
- 闪亮twinkle
- 闪亮的twinkling
- 乌鸦的翅膀遮不住太阳的金光。The wings of the crow cannot blot out the golden rays of the sun.
- 闪亮登场come on stage with glittering appearance
- 火光闪亮。The fire flared out brightly.
- 闪金光emit golden rays
- 金光寺Jin'guangsi temple
- 金光杏梅Jinguang plum
- 街灯突然闪亮。The street lamps blinked suddenly on.
- 别虚掷你的寸金光阴吧。Don't squander the gold of your days.
- 使灯光闪亮to blink the light
- 金光菊属Rudbeckia
- 波光闪亮的海面the surfae of the sea that spangles
- 金光菊酮rudbeckianone
- 星星在晴朗的夜空闪亮。Stars are brilliant in the clear night sky.
- 发金光的星球.an orb of golden light
- "就在那里。" 他低声地说,他的眼睛闪亮着突然而来的眼泪。"There it is, " he whispered, his eyes (being) bright with sudden tears.
- 万道金光myriads of golden rays
- 他全身披着闪亮的铠甲。His body was encased in shining armour.