- 陷阱snare
- 我很清楚这是一个陷阱。I knew perfectly well it was a trap.
- 设陷阱trap
- 金丝雀从笼中逃掉了。The canary has escaped from its cage.
- 他们给黄鼠狼设下陷阱。They set a trap for the weasel.
- 一只活的金丝雀;触及痛处;活着的著名画家;活组织;活着的植物和动物。a live canary; hit a live nerve; famous living painters; living tissue; living plants and animals.
- 一只活金丝雀。a live canary.
- 猎人设陷阱捕捉狐狸。The hunter set traps to catch foxes.
- 那只金丝雀在笼中鸣啭.The canary was trilling away in its cage.
- 狮子落入了陷阱。A lion was caught in the toil.
- 金丝雀草Phalaris canariensis [canary grass]
- 这些男孩子设置陷阱捕捉兔子。The boys made snares to catch rabbits.
- 那只金丝雀整天在呜叫。The canary warbled all day long.
- 小心贫富差距的陷阱。Beware of the poverty gap trap.
- 鸟笼里有两只金丝雀。There are two canaries in the bird cage.
- 猎人在陷阱里下了诱饵。The hunter baited his traps.
- 我并不清楚遗传的方式,但这只小金丝雀却是明亮的橙黄色。I don't know how it happened genetically, but that baby canary was bright orange.
- 她被诱入陷阱。She was betrayed into a snare.
- 我巧妙地使金丝雀进入笼子里。I coaxed the canary into the cage.
- 那头熊落入了陷阱。The bear was trapped.