- 伦敦金丝雀码头城市设计Urban Design of Canary Wharf, London
- 英国的标志性建筑同样成为穆罕默德的眼中钉。他承认曾密谋炸毁大笨钟、希思罗机场和金丝雀码头等。British landmarks were also targeted by the al Qaeda mastermind. Mohammed admitted to targeting Big Ben, Heathrow Airport and the Canary Wharf Building.
- 英国的标志性建筑同样成为穆罕默德的眼中钉。他承认曾密谋炸毁大笨钟、思罗机场和金丝雀码头等。British landmarks were also targeted by the al Qaeda mastermind. Mohammed admitted to targeting Big Ben, Heathrow Airport and the Canary Wharf Building.
- 码头wharf
- 码头费pierage
- 集装箱码头container pier
- 金丝雀从笼中逃掉了。The canary has escaped from its cage.
- 他开车把我送到码头。He tooled me down to the wharf.
- 一只活的金丝雀;触及痛处;活着的著名画家;活组织;活着的植物和动物。a live canary; hit a live nerve; famous living painters; living tissue; living plants and animals.
- 船员把船靠了码头。The sailors docked the ship.
- 一只活金丝雀。a live canary.
- 他沿着木码头走过去并爬上了船。He walked along the wooden pier and climbed down into the boat.
- 那只金丝雀在笼中鸣啭.The canary was trilling away in its cage.
- 金丝雀草Phalaris canariensis [canary grass]
- 码头工人roustabout
- 船正靠向码头。The ship was nosing in to the dock.
- 集装箱码头的建设已经动工。Work has started on the construction of a container terminal.
- 船慢慢地靠近码头。The ship nosed in to the pier.
- 船行时船身擦著码头的边。The ship's hull scraped along the side of the dock.
- 停泊在码头边的货轮The freighter moored alongside the wharf.