- 昨天有位女子跳崖摔死了。To her death from the cliffs yesterday.
- 五位壮士决定跳崖也不向敌人投降。Rather than surrender to the enemy, the five brave soldiers decided to jump off the cliffs.
- 导演:好了,这就是你要跳崖的地方。Director: Now here is where you jump off the cliff.
- 岗哨图腾:....不太清楚...岗哨图腾?有用吗?跳崖?Sentry Totem: Can no longer be used for its innumerable exploits.
- 野牛urus
- 跳变jumping
- 野牛碎头崖Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump
- 不管怎样,今晚我要去跳迪斯科舞,无论你是否愿意与我同去。In any event I'm going to the disco tonight whether you want to come with me or not.
- 断崖precipice
- 这小孩被蛇吓了一跳。The child was frightened by the snake.
- 兔子可以跳得很远。A rabbit can make long jumps.
- 这条小径濒临断崖的边缘。The path verges on the edge of a precipice.
- 马跳过了那条沟。The horse jumped over the ditch.
- 蛙跳leapfrog
- 虎跳峡Tiger Leaping Gorge
- 一只灰色的松鼠在树枝间跳来跳去。A grey squirrel is scampering from limb to limb.
- 哈里从围墙上跳下来时扭伤了脚踝。Harry wrenched his ankle when he jumped down from the fence.
- 她轻快地跳着脚尖舞。She twinkled her straight toes.
- 你看孩子们在运动场上乱冲乱跳。See the children ramping about in the playground.
- 跳球jump ball