- 重炮对着要塞外墙轰击.The heavy guns pounded the walls of the fort.
- 重炮对着要塞外墙(不停地)轰击.The heavy guns pounded (away at) the walls of the fort.
- 我们的重炮对着堡垒的墙轰击。Our heavy guns pounded away at the walls of the fort.
- 重炮对堡垒的墙体不停地轰击。The heavy guns pounded away at the walls of the fort.
- 老人对着那条要咬他的狗挥舞手杖吓它走。The old man brandished his walking stick at the menacing dog.
- "那个市议员一直在对这个公司施加很大的压力,要他们接受这批劣质原料。"That council member has been exerting a lot of pressure on the company to accept the raw material of low quality.
- 背对着back on to
- 他威胁着要叫警察。He threatened to call the police.
- 你对着火的基底部分,把泡沫从管嘴喷出来。You squirt foam out of a nozzle and direct it at the base of the fire.
- 他正在对着麦克风讲话。He is talking into a microphone.
- 孩子都兴奋地急着要看给他们的礼物。The children were all agog to see their presents.
- 他对着石块把玻璃碗砸得粉碎。He dashed the glass bowl to bits on a rock.
- 小孩哭着要玩具。The child is wailing for the toy.
- 他充满柔情地对着麦克风唱流行歌曲。He crooned into the microphone.
- 教练对着迟到的运动员咆哮。The coach growled at the players who were late.
- 狗对着陌生人嗥叫。The dog snarled at the stranger.
- 一堆积下的工作等着要做。An accumulation of work is waiting to be done.
- 为保证质量,我们对着光检查了蛋。We candled the eggs to assure quality.
- 我们是要把书柜靠着墙吗?Shall we put the bookcase against the wall?
- 他的眼珠对着她骨碌碌地转。He rolled his eyes at her.