- 重新布置家具.reorder the furniture
- 她重新布置家具来改变房间的风貌。She varied the appearance of the room by rearranging the furniture.
- 布置家具dispose pieces of furniture
- 他在考虑怎样在新居中布置家具。He is considering the disposition of furniture in his new house.
- 你最好和她讨论一下如何布置家具。You had better discuss with her the disposal of the furniture.
- 她重新布置了房间。She reorganized the room.
- 重新布置rearrange
- 我们来重新布置一下房间里的家具。Let's rearrange the furniture in the room.
- 你今天也听到他的分享吧,是这痛苦让他重新检视价值观。And he said that it was the pain of grief that caused him to review his value system.
- 我们把房子重新布置一番并买了新家具。We did the house over (ie redecorated it) and bought new furniture.
- 谷歌的德国网站两个小时就被拦周二是因为它的地址重新误。GOOGLE'S German website was waylaid for two hours on Tuesday because its address was mistakenly reassigned.
- 意大利政府指责巴黎政府在何时重新开通白朗峰隧道的问题上搪塞。Located on the French-Italian border, Mont Blanc is the loftiest peak in the Alps and the highest point in western Europe.
- 这间屋子堆满了旧家具。The room was encumbered with old furniture.
- 我父母来和我们住后我们重新布置了房间。We rearranged the room after my parents came to live with us.
- 2以后所罗门重新修筑希兰送给他的那些城邑、使以色列人住在那里。Solomon rebuilt the villages that Hiram had given him, and settled Israelites in them.
- 他的办公室用新式家具装饰得十分雅致。His office is tastefully furnished with modern furniture.
- 重新布置厨房以安装新炉具.rejig the kitchen to fit in the new cooker
- 粗朴的家具homely furniture
- 你重新布置我直到我正常You re-arrange me till Im sane
- 有光家具布lustrous furniture fabric