- 他知道只有一条出路,那就是重新作人。He knew that there was only one thing left to do--to turn over a new page.
- 他们决定给他最后一次机会,让他重新作人。They decided to give him a last opportunity to turn over a new leaf.
- 作to regard as
- 他走进房间,重新作了自我介绍,假装不知道怎么包裹他的圣诞礼物。He walked into the room,reintroduced himself and pretended he didn't know how to wrap his Christmas gifts.
- 作人act as becomes a man; get along with other people; conduct oneself
- 我重新作了头发。I redid my hair.
- 报人journalist
- 埃及人Egyptian
- 白种人white
- 作词write words
- 强人strong man
- 人渣scouring
- 作表tabulation
- 爱尔兰人Irish
- 对活断层,线状区和近代火山活动都重新作了研究。Active faults and lineaments, and recent volcanic activity were re-examined.
- 俗人layman
- 试作study
- 澳大利亚人Australian
- 自作多情proffer a love or affection which is not reciprocated; imagine oneself as a favorite of others
- 逼人pressing