- 果鸠fruit dove
- 果鸠亚科Treroninae
- 新西兰果鸠kuku
- 果result
- 开心果pistachio nuts
- 里氏Richter scale
- 火龙果dragon fruit
- 禁果forbidden fruit
- 里氏震级每降低一个单位,地震发生的数量就会增加10倍。There are about 10 times as many quakes for every decrease in Richter magnitude by one unit.
- 奇异果actinidia berry
- 里氏震级Richter scale
- 伊壁鸠鲁Epicurus
- 饮鸠止渴seek temporary relief regardless of the consequences
- 果蔬garden stuff
- 绿鸠green pigeon
- 果类fruit
- 哀鸠mourning dove
- 鸠尾榫锯dovetail saw
- 人参果sapodilla (Achras zapota)
- 班鸠ringdove