- 里德所罗门码的错误更正能力,决定于编码中添加的冗赘信息。The error-correcting ability of any RS code is determined by the redundancy in the code block.
- 里德-所罗门码Reed-Solomon code
- 里德所罗门编码RS coding
- 理德-所罗门码Reed-Solomon code
- 码yard
- 高级交叉插入里德所罗门代码Advanced Cross Interleave Reed - Solomon Code
- 乱码messy code
- 本文并提出纯粹抹除式里德所罗门解码器的硬体实现,包括有限体中的算数运算模组。Hardware implementation for the all-erasure RS decoder is proposed, including the finite field arithmetic operation units.
- 源码source code
- 注册码poll code
- 码表stopwatch
- 所罗门Solomon
- 均码one-size-fits-all
- 里德将在半决赛中与斯通较量。Read will be matched against Stone in the semifinal.
- 码率code rate
- 码字numeral
- 所罗门王Bathsheba
- 相对论的发现迫使对待非欧几里德几何的态度有激烈的变化。The advent of the theory of relativity forced a drastic change in the attitude toward non-Euclidean geometry.
- 子网掩码subnet mask
- 所罗门国王的宫廷以其华丽著称。The court of King Solomon was noted for its splendor.