- 她住在外间。She lives in the out room.
- 外outside
- 她没有直接到放有她办公桌的里间办公室去,而是滞留在外间办公室,有点儿拿不定主意似的。Instead of going straight into the adjoining room, where her desk was, she lingered, slightly irresolute, in the outer office.
- 外间的寓所已经租定。The outer room is rented.
- 如果你胆敢在这种天气里外出不穿外套,那你是自找挨冻。If you want to risk going out without a coat in this weather, that's your funeral.
- 让他在外间办公室等候着,那将可教训他以后客气点。Let him cool his heels in the outer office, that will teach him to be more polite.
- 百里香thyme
- 外包epiboly
- 巴里Barrie
- 在外outer
- 楼梯间stair well
- 内里inwardly
- 外向extroversion
- 标准间standard room
- 外卖take-out
- 日间daytime
- 婚外extramarital
- 间轴countershaft
- 体外in vitro
- 外箱outer container