- 乔达摩悉达多出生于蓝毗尼(一个现今尼泊尔和印度交界处),在五月的一个月圆之夜在释迦族(萨克耶部族),一个战士部族中诞生了。Siddhartha Gautama was born in Lumbini (a town situated in modern Nepal, near the Indian border) under the full moon of May to the clan of the Shakyas, a warrior tribe.
- 释迦sakya
- 这位娜迦族公主的名字,和传说中能石化敌人的蛇发女妖一样。The Naga princess was named after the legendary gorgon who turned her foes into stone.
- 斯拉达,那迦族强大的王者,在灼焰军团入侵之后自海底的深处醒来。The mighty king of the Naga race, Slardar was awoken from the depths of the sea after the invasion of the Burning Legion.
- 释迦文佛塔Sakya Script Pagoda
- 族nationality
- 这位纳迦族公主的名字,和传说中能石化敌人的蛇发女妖一样。The Naga princess was named after the legendary gorgon who turned her foes into stone.
- 释迦遗教Buddhism
- 白石坐释迦white marble sitting buddha (工艺品)
- 族的Goidelic; Lombardic
- 冰释vanish
- 迦Buddha
- 脂肪族fatty group
- 释迦哞尼和蔼开朗。The Buddha was amiable and enlightened.
- 族名nomen
- 族裔race
- 热释电pyroelectricity
- 蛮族tribe
- 释俘release prisoners
- 暴走族Yakuza; mob of driving at full speed