- 不少男人只因爱上了酒窝儿,错把整个娘儿聚过来。Many a man in love with a dimple makes the mistake of marrying the whole girl.
- 不少男人只因爱上了酒窝儿,错把整个娘儿娶过来。Many a man in love with a dimple makes the mistake of marrying the whole girl.
- 她一笑,脸上露出了酒窝.Her cheeks dimpled as she smiled.
- 模特儿model
- 酒窝在身体某一部分(特别在脸颊或下颚处)的天然凹陷A small natural indentation in the flesh on a part of the human body,especially in the cheek or on the chin.
- 玩意儿(n) thing (used in speech)
- 美国高尔夫球协会只要求高尔夫球酒窝式样必须是球面对称的。The USGA only requires that the golfball's dimple pattern be spherically symmetric.
- 媳妇儿wife
- 他圆圆的脸蛋上有一对酒窝,头上覆盖着一圈圈光滑,鬈曲、细如绢丝的黑发。His black hair fine as floss silk, hung in glossy curls about his round dimpled face.
- 儿科学paediatrics
- 美人儿cutie
- 儿茶酚胺catecholamine (CA)
- 流浪儿street arab
- 儿茶cutch
- 养儿防老(of parents) to bring up children for the purpose of being looked after in old age
- 蜜雪儿Mysheros
- 小玩意儿toy
- 歌儿song
- 人儿figurine; personality; character
- 儿语childrenese