- 螺snail
- 淘宝网Taobao
- 螺杆screw
- 调酒师正在从酒桶中放啤酒给顾客。The bartender was tapping beer for the patrons.
- 八宝eight treasures
- 他从酒桶里倒了一些白兰地到一只小锡杯里。He drew some cognac from the cask into a tin cannikin.
- 卧在一个巨大的朗姆酒的酒桶上。我走近用手去摸它,Reposing upon the head of one of the immense hogsheads of Rum. I approached it, and touched it with my hand.
- 螺柱double-screw bolt
- 寻宝treasure hunt
- 螺孔screw
- 那酒店粗糙地装置着一两个柜橱,几条光板凳,和几块放在酒桶上当作桌子的木板。The alehouse was coarsely furnished with a press or two, a number of naked benches, and boards set upon barrels to play the part of tables.
- 三宝Triratna
- 宝蓝色royalblue
- 螺塞plug screw
- 欧宝Opel
- 螺杆泵screw pump
- 押宝stake
- 螺牙thread
- 宝瓶座water bearer
- 螺套threaded sleeve