- 逸出transgression
- 都都:你会游泳吗?Du Du: Can you swim?
- 都都:外公,我们在这里!DuDu: Hi, grandpa! We are here!
- 逸脱vagus escape
- 都都:可是长颈鹿对于我的卧室来讲太高了。DuDu: But a giraffe would be too tall to fit in my bedroom.
- 都都:他需要一架梯子。LeLe: He needs a ladder.
- 她风姿秀逸。She moved with grace.
- 乐乐:都都,你有宠物吗?LeLe: DuDu, do you have a pet?
- 连凳子都都跟他一样高。The stool was as tall as he was.
- 煤气正从管中逸出。Gas is escaping from the pipe.
- 都都:公共汽车站在哪里?A. DuDu: Where is the bus stop?
- 以逸代劳commute comfort for hardship
- 都都:看!这是我的画。Dudu: Look! This is my drawing.
- 逸散dissipation
- 都都:打扰一下,这是淮海路吗?D. DuDu: Excuse me, is this the Huaihai Road?
- 恬逸自满self-satisfied with quietness and indolence
- 大部分人在看这部电影时都都惊恐地大叫。Most people cried out in horror during the movie.
- 窜逸无踪To skulk without trace
- 都都:哦,奶奶,请来这里坐吧。D. DuDu: Oh, granny, please come here and sit down.
- 气体从管子里逸出。Gas escaped from the pipe.