- 苏菲和乔坐在在邦代海滩边,今天是他们蜜月的第一天。Sophie and Joel are sitting on Bondi Beach on the first day of their honeymoon.
- 绝代peerless
- 代言represent
- 迭代iteration
- 代步ride instead of walk
- 他们到海滩野餐。They went on a picnic on the beach.
- 代入substituting
- 外邦人gentile
- 代收collecting for another agency
- 飓风摧毁了海滩上的房屋。The hurricane pulverized the houses on the beach.
- 二代bibasic
- 邦德女郎Bond girl
- 代付pay for another
- 第一代first generation
- 代工foundry
- 硫代硫酸钠hyposulphite
- 三代three generations
- 代行function in an acting capacity of
- 第二代second generation
- 代为on behalf