- 那独木舟卷进漩涡里了.The canoe was sucked (down) into the whirlpool.
- 那独木舟卷进漩涡里了。The canoe was sucked (down) into the whirlpool.
- 那独木舟被卷进了漩涡。The canoe was sucked into the whirlpool.
- 那which
- 被卷进漩涡的游泳者,挣扎着以免溺水。The swimmer caught in the whirlpool struggled to keep from drowing.
- 有我的表弟帮忙,我们趁天黑把那独木舟划过河去,参加朋友间的秘密聚会。With the assistance of my cousin we paddled across the river in the dark to participate in a clandestine meeting of our friends.
- `你把剪刀放在哪儿了?'`我把它放(回)到抽屉里了。'`Where did you put the scissors?' `I put them (back) in the drawer.'
- 这孩子已经把5张邮票插在邮票册里了。The boy has stuck five stamps in his albums.
- 百里香thyme
- 巴里Barrie
- 在这整个灾祸的漩涡里,他没有一次丧失过他的头脑,或者他的勇气。During all this whirl of disaster he had never once lost his head or his courage.
- 那位军官派了三十名士兵去守火车站。The officer detached thirty men to guard the railroad station.
- 在过去十年里,医学取得了巨大的进步。There have been great advances in medicine in the last ten years.
- 她在关门时把裙子夹在门缝里了。She shut her skirt in the door.
- 那本书我还未仔细阅读,只是翻阅了一下。I haven't read that book properly--I've only dipped into it.
- 炊具都给冻在冰里了。The cooking utensil were frozen up in the ice.
- "他已去世了," 那男孩轻声地回答。过了一会儿,他又补充说: "将来我也要当水手。""He is dead, " replied the boy, softly. In a moment he added, "I'm going to be a sailor, too."
- 那位歌手签了为期两周的演出合同。The singer signed a contract for a two-week engagement.
- 我不知怎么把骨头卡在嗓子里了。I had somehow got the bone lodged in my throat.
- 前几天我把车开到沟里了。I ditched my car the other day.